Suzette Hampton is a minister, international best-selling author, dual-career realtor, and entrepreneur. From an early age, she was taught the value and honor of serving others and she brings this core value to bear in every area of her life.
In addition to being a contributing author in the international best-selling anthology, Empowered to Win, 3rd Edition, Rev. Suzette hosts a bi-weekly prayer call, open to everyone, where prayer and supplication are made for our families, our communities, our country, and the world. She is also the founder and President of the Trees of Righteousness (TOR) Women’s Ministry where she encourages, empowers, and strengthens women to reach their full potential in God. She does this by providing opportunities for spiritual growth and development, meaningful fellowship, and a welcoming, safe, and supportive environment in which to confront and be healed from spiritual, mental, and emotional pain and trauma. She is very actively involved in her community and is particularly passionate about assisting the homeless and other underserved populations in her area.
Rev. Suzette is one of the authors of Unshakable Faith. This book includes stories from women who are true, pearls of great price, who have encountered trials and tribulations that challenged their faith, but, you will see that their faith was indeed, “Unshakable”. Minister Allison G. Daniels and several other women have shared stories from the heart as to how they had to redirect their emotions, redefine who God said they were, and their journey of being renewed, thus, allowing God to make a victorious difference in their lives, all to His glory.
SwagHer: How would you describe your swagher? What makes you who you are?
Rev. Suzette: My swagher is based solely on my identity in Christ! I am who I am, have what I have, and do what I’m able to do because of Him. Knowing this keeps me humble and grateful and prevents me from trying to be someone or something that I’m not. I have been created with great purpose and my swagher is evidenced as I fulfill God’s purpose and plan for my life.
SwagHer: Why did you decide to take part in the Unshakable Faith anthology?
Rev. Suzette: I was part of a previous anthology for which Allison G. Daniels was the visionary author. When she informed the authors of that book that she planned to do this anthology, I was excited. When I heard the title, I knew immediately that I would take part. The title was a reminder that God is the author and finisher of my faith and that, if He said it, it is so! It brought to mind so many times God has proven Himself to me by doing what only HE could do and it inspired me to encourage others.
SwagHer: Can you describe a time when your faith was challenged but you stood tall?
Rev. Suzette: In 2013, my four children, four grandchildren and I lived in a home that I was renting. I received a call from my son one day in February and he told me that the home was on fire. By the time I arrived from work, the fire had been extinguished and the members of my family who had been at home were safe. The fire inspector explained to me that the fire had been started accidentally and I was allowed to go inside to look around. What I saw was devastating. We had lost EVERYTHING! Although the fire had started in the basement, the heat and smoke had damaged everything upstairs.
After calling to inform my landlord, I stood inside the house and prayed. By the time I stepped outside again, my other children had arrived from work and school and were crushed by what they saw. We had already been through so much and this was another huge blow. It was very painful to see my children hurting and I did my best to comfort them. I reminded them that, while everything was gone except the clothes we were wearing, we were blessed that everyone had made it out of the house safely and that we had someplace to go.
We arrived at my mother’s house – all nine of us – off balance, uncertain, and emotionally drained. Once everyone was settled, I found a space in the house that was unoccupied, and I hit my knees. I could FEEL my children’s anguish and heartbreak but I was having a different experience. From the moment I’d received the phone call, I’d felt a sense of peace overtake me and it was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I immediately knew that it was the presence of God!
From that moment on, I kept my hand in God’s Hand and I refused to let go! I prayed for help when I didn’t have the ability to comfort my children. I worshipped Him when fear attempted to rise up inside me. I confessed His Word over our lives when the enemy tried to convince me that his lies were true. I rested in God when I had no idea what to do. It wasn’t easy believing God for what we couldn’t see. Trusting God to make ways out of no way was very challenging. But I stood on the promises of God and He didn’t let me down. In fact, He blessed my family and me in ways that we could never have imagined. He restored everything we’d lost and more!
Even more than the material blessings, we each learned valuable spiritual lessons. My children learned that God is faithful to His children and that all things really do work together for the good of those who love Him. I learned to trust God in greater measure and that the ‘unshakable faith’ of His people causes Him to move.
SwagHer: How do you view your work as a vocation—a call from and a duty to God?
Rev. Suzette: I believe that each type of work that I do – parenting, ministry, real estate, writing, etc. – is a form of service which is my vocation. The Word tells us that we have all been given gifts and that we should use them to be of service to others. It is both my responsibility and great pleasure to love and serve God first and then everyone else. My prayer is that God is pleased with and glorified by everything I do.
SwagHer: What was the writing process like for you?
Rev. Suzette: Writing has always been cathartic for me and this time was no different. Writing this chapter afforded me the opportunity to revisit my past and to feel, deal, and fully heal from experiences that had resulted in disappointment, regret, guilt, and shame. It reminded me of God’s truths – that I am His, that He loves me, and that His will is what’s best for me. Writing this chapter strengthened my resolve to become exactly who God created me to be by redirecting my thoughts, redefining who I am, and renewing myself in Him.
SwagHer: Have you authored any other books? If so, please list them.
Rev. Suzette: I am part of another international best-selling anthology entitled ‘Empowered to Win, 3rd Edition.’
Connect with Rev. Suzette below.
FB – Suzette Swann Hampton AND Suzette Hampton Real Estate
IG – suzette_hampton1 and suzettetherealtor
TT – @HamptonSuzette