HomeBUSINESSCEO CHATTERThought Leadership Is Powerful

Thought Leadership Is Powerful

Thought leadership is a powerful way to grow your personal brand. These leaders are authorities or experts in a particular field due to their innovative ideas, insightful perspectives, and deep knowledge of their industries. Thought leadership is a strategic positioning strategy, and it would behoove you to know how to use it to your benefit. Here are two ways to creatively use this form of leadership to further your personal branding. 

Host a Webinar or Virtual Event

Imagine using your professional knowledge to host a series of webinars or virtual events, not just to showcase your industry insights and ideas but also to learn and grow. Hosting an event is not just about connecting with your audience in real-time for Q&As and interactive discussions; it’s about the opportunity to expand your own knowledge and perspectives. By providing valuable content and fostering meaningful interactions, you can position yourself as a thought leader in your industry while generating leads and building relationships with potential customers.

Create Multimedia Content

Don’t limit yourself to traditional written content. What’s stopping you from recording your own video broadcasts or hosting a podcast that aligns with your work? You could interview other industry experts, share case studies, and discuss new and upcoming trends. If that sounds like a bit much, you could always make behind-the-scenes videos and tutorials and/or demonstrate your skills.  


As a thought leader, you can actively shape and influence the direction of your field by offering valuable insights, challenging conventional thinking, and driving meaningful conversations. By positioning yourself as the go-to person within your industry, you can garner more visibility and credibility for your personal brand while also inspiring others, making you a force to be reckoned with.


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Francheska Felder
Francheska Felderhttp://swagheronline.com
Francheska “Fancy” Felder is an award-winning editor, publisher, publicist, and quiet Southern media mogul. In 2010, she launched SwagHer Magazine, an empowerment and lifestyle publication for the Black woman who likes to keep it real, which also doubles as a PR boutique. SwagHer Magazine uses positive media and storytelling to create new narratives and mindsets around Black women, their communities, and the businesses and organizations they lead, while the boutique strategically executes press and brand campaigns. The proud SU alum is also the publicist for Power Influence Radio and hostess of the CEO Chatter LIVE Podcast. Because she battles with bipolar disorder, Fancy is a proud mental health advocate.

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