HomeBUSINESSTrailblazer Peggy Dodson creates UBC-TV Network

Trailblazer Peggy Dodson creates UBC-TV Network

Arkansas Native Peggy Dodson is no stranger to entrepreneurship. From assisting her parents in their various businesses, excelling in education she attended the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville afterward she moved to New York with a brief stay in San Diego where she founded Akenday Entertainment and produced Economic Empowerment that broadcasted on Comcast and reached over 300k households. The Big Apple beckoned for her return and she returned and immersed herself in the Harlem Community. Appointed to the Community Board 10 as Chair of the Arts & Culture and Tourism committee and being awarded NAACP’s coveted Women Making History Award she continues to make history. Her road to success has led her to create and develop The Urban Broadcasting Company.  UBCTV Network is the first-ever multi-media technology broadcast company that was developed, owned, operated, and created by an African American Woman. This  Harlem, New York-based broadcast multi-media company appeals to urban multi-cultural audiences with original urban lifestyle content, special events, products, and services with distribution over multiple platforms globally. This lifestyle network has crossed all races and boundaries and is evolving into a global revolution of media, lifestyle, and culture.

In January Dodson joined us via Instagram Live for our What’s Going On Series  .
What inspired me to start UBCTV?
The lack of diversity in our stories. I have always said Whoever controls the Narrative Controls the Story. For way too long our stories have been edited and retold in a way that fits others’ narratives. I wanted to create something that gives the Content Creator freedom of expression and a platform to tell their stories.
What do you feel is missing from current networks in regards to Urban Households?
What do I feel is missing….?  Our day-to-day life. We are too often displayed in a negative depiction; one-dimensional. We are multidimensional people who need to show how wonderful and brilliant we really are. We shop, we eat at fine dining establishments, we travel, we create and run businesses small and large but we rarely see this lifestyle in any media. Only shucking and jiving which goes back to black face. It’s time for a change. UBCTV is that change.
How was the journey from thought to launch? 
The Journey from Thought To Launch has been just that. A journey. There were many times I was just going to give up. This is not for the faint of heart. I wanted to stay independent so that I could keep an authentic voice. I was lucky that I never gave up and technology caught up with my vision. I had always talked about the content being on multiple platforms but I think I was a bit ahead of my time until now. Now the playing field is more level than it has been in the past. There are still major hurdles to jump but now we are at the beginning of a good groove. Timing is everything sometimes.
What words of advice would you share with someone who is unsure about producing content? 
I would say NOW IS YOUR TIME!  Never before has there been a time where platforms are looking for diverse voices and finally want to hear our stories. Be bold and go out there and do it. Even if it’s on a camera phone; it’s a beginning. It’s all about telling the story.
Learn more about UBCTV Network by visiting UBCTV Network


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