HomeBUSINESSHolistic Healing and Healthcare Advocacy with Aisha Johnson

Holistic Healing and Healthcare Advocacy with Aisha Johnson

In a world where healthcare often feels fragmented and impersonal, Aisha stands out as a beacon of holistic healing and compassionate care. With a career trajectory shaped by a passion for community wellness and a desire to address the root causes of health issues, she brings a unique perspective to the medical field. From her early aspirations of becoming a psychiatrist to her journey through community health education and family practice, Aisha’s dedication to her patients shines through every aspect of her practice. Drawing inspiration from her training at Cook County Hospital and a deep-rooted belief in the interconnectedness of body, mind, soul, and spirit, she has established herself as a trusted advocate for integrative medicine. 

In this enlightening interview, Aisha shares insights into her approach to patient care, the integration of CBD products and body sculpting with traditional treatments, and the guiding principles that shape her practice. Join us as we delve into the world of holistic healthcare with Aisha, a practitioner whose mission transcends mere treatment to encompass true healing and empowerment for all.


Christina: What is your SwagHer? What makes Aisha, Aisha? 

Aisha: What makes Aisha unique is my passion for helping people, holistic approach, empathy, compassion, thoughtfulness, and kindness. 

Christina: Why did you pursue a career in medicine? 

Aisha: I initially wanted to be a psychiatrist/psychologist but received some bad counsel from the counselor, so I changed to community health education. I was working in the health care field doing STD testing but realized I was limited to only being able to give them the test results, but I couldn’t treat them. I had a desire to be able to reach more people, diagnose, treat, and develop a rapport with my patients that would allow me to provide continuity of care. I selected family practice, which would allow me to see my pediatric patients grow, I could help my teens transition in life into young adults, I could help my college students, middle-aged adults, as well as help senior citizens as they are aging. I also do some home visits for those who are homebound and unable to get to their doctor’s office. 

Christina: How has your training and experience at Cook County Hospital influenced your approach to patient care and the establishment of your own clinic?

Aisha: I thank God I had the opportunity to be able to train in an underserved area, a hospital where you will literally see everything. Medical doctors, students, and residents come from all around the country to be trained by the staff at Cook County and to learn from all of these rare medical cases. I’ve always been passionate about working with those who have been overlooked, underserved, and those who may not have access to good quality health care. I wanted people in these communities to be able to see that there are medical practitioners who truly care and look like them as well. 

Christina: You mentioned approaching medicine from a holistic perspective, incorporating body, mind, soul, and spirit into your practice. How do you integrate these aspects into your patient care, and what benefits do you believe this approach offers?

Aisha:  I like to identify the root and the origin of the problems my patients present with during their visit. I do not just want to treat the symptoms, write them a prescription, and send them on their way. I want to identify what’s going on in their mind that causes their body to respond this way. Stress and trauma lie at the root cause of quite a few conditions. I believe it is important to peel back the layers like an onion to see how what’s going on in their mind affects their blood pressure, sugar, arthritis flare-ups, gastritis, and weight gain. And how their soul is drained, it doesn’t matter how much sleep they get, but they are chronically tired because they are a people pleaser and have internal battles that they haven’t disclosed to anyone. It’s usually much deeper than you have a diagnosis of hypertension, anxiety, etc. Whatever is going on in your mind will eventually start to manifest in your physical body as well. 

Christina: How does your incorporation of CBD products and Body Sculpting complement traditional medical treatments, and what benefits do they provide to your patients?

Aisha:  I incorporate some CBD detox programs into our body contouring program. I also have a medical weight loss program that sometimes causes people to have bowel movement problems, so I incorporate our very own formulated detox tea, which helps with bloating and constipation. This rids your body of toxins, mucus, and parasites. I also have an amazing CBD pain cream that works wonders on any type of pain that someone may experience. 

Christina: Your favorite scripture, 3 John 2, emphasizes prosperity and health. How does this guide your approach to healthcare?

Aisha: This has definitely always been one of my favorite scriptures: I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul shall prosper. I believe that God desires for us to be healthy and prosperous and that we have a healthy soul as well. 

Christina: Is there anything else you would like to share?

Aisha: Health is wealth. Healthcare is self-care. And we live in a society that makes self-care look like something that should be optional. However, self-care is a necessity for enjoying a healthy quality of life. Whatever is stressing you and causing DISEASE can eventually lead to a disease. So make sure you make yourself a priority when taking care of your health. The goal is to function from a preventive mindset versus a reactive mindset. Let us be proactive and become our own advocates to make sure we are living a quality life. As the scripture says I wish above all things that you may prosper and be healthy even as your soul shall prosper. God desires you to live your best life and to be healthy enough to live life to the fullest! 


Connect with Aisha below: 

Website: www.rohhealthandwellness.com

Instagram: @rayofhopehealthspaandwellness & @Medical_weightlossexpertpa

Facebook: Ray of Hope Health, Spa and Wellness Services 

LinkedIn: Aisha Wesley Johnson 

Email: rohhealthandwellness@gmail.com


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