HomeFEATURESAUTHOR SPOTLIGHTDr. Essie McKoy Speaks on Unshakable Faith

Dr. Essie McKoy Speaks on Unshakable Faith

Dr. Essie McKoy received her Doctorate in Education (Ed.D.) and an Educational Specialist Degree (Ed. S.) in Educational Leadership from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, a Master’s Degree in Middle Grades Education from Appalachian State University, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Special Education with certification in Learning Disabilities from Winston-Salem State University. She has additional areas of certification in Public School Administration/Supervision/Principalship, Curriculum, and Instruction with a concentration in English, K-12 General Curriculum, and the Superintendency in NC and VA. She was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree from WWMI Bible Institute and Seminary in Chicago, Illinois. She possesses expansive knowledge in primary, secondary, and higher education, and general and special education. Her dissertation topic, “A Study of Elementary Principals’ Perceptions of Accountability and Leadership in an Era of High Stakes Testing,” is a foundational part of her first book, “The Heart of School Transformation: My Journey into Transforming Urban Schools.”


The educational consultant’s most recent professional development led her to become a member of The Leadership Academy in Virginia and she has engaged in “Better Communication” professional development with the well-known, Ann G. Hoffman. Dr. Mckoy believes that learning should occur throughout one’s lifetime, and she continues to be involved in the latest growth opportunities to enhance her capacity.


Dr. McKoy was nominated for the AASA Women in School Leadership Award by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In addition, she received the Educator of the Year Award and The Executive Citation of Anne Arundel County Maryland Award and was honored with being COPA Style Magazine’s 2021 Woman of the Year. Dr. McKoy has been featured in K.I.S.H., BSM, SwagHer, Glambitious, UP WORDS (Edutopia), Powerhouse Global Magazine, She Speaks, And Vision and Purpose Lifestyle magazines. She has been a Top 40 Most Influential Dreamers Movers & Shakers with K.I.S.H Magazine! She has received many accolades and recognitions for her accomplishments throughout the span of her career and has been interviewed by a magnitude of radio show personalities throughout the nation and other countries.


The transformational leader has improved the academic performance and success indicators of all the schools she has led. She is most proud of the fact that both elementary schools became Piedmont Triad Signature Schools- the highest growth schools! Her mission is to continue to ignite a passion in others and to make a profound impact in the field of education!


Dr. Essie McKoy is one of the authors of Unshakable Faith. This book includes stories from women who are true, pearls of great price, who have encountered trials and tribulations that challenged their faith, but, you will see that their faith was indeed, “Unshakable”. Minister Allison G. Daniels and several other women have shared stories from the heart as to how they had to redirect their emotions, redefine who God said they were, and their journey of being renewed, thus, allowing God to make a victorious difference in their lives, all to His glory.


How would you describe your swagher? What makes you who you are?


My swagher is all about developing myself to be my best self and sharing with others about what I have learned, gained, and been blessed with while serving. God’s grace, mercy, and goodness provide me with the tools to navigate life and allows me to give back to make an impact.

Dr. Essie McKoy

Why did you decide to take part in the Unshakable Faith anthology?


I have been blessed to work with the audacious Minister Allison G. Daniels on a previous anthology and had to give her my “yes”. Prior to that, I asked God to allow me to align myself with people who can bring out the gifts He has placed inside of me. Individuals who are on the same journey of a closer walk with God and want to use their skills to impact the lives of others!


Can you describe a time when your faith was challenged but you stood tall?


There have been many times in my life when my faith was challenged. I would have to say the most profound was going through a divorce and coming out on the other side better than I was before! 


How do you view your work as a vocation—a call from and a duty to God?


My entire life’s work has been orchestrated by God. Working with families, kids, communities, educators, organizations, and those willing to impact the field of education give me a sense of truly impacting the present and the future. I have been blessed to provide comprehensive services to those families and students who need them the most.


What was the writing process like for you?


Writing has always been a strength and writing this was me just pouring out of my soul. I have had a lengthy professional career and worked with many individuals in my life who have shared different perspectives about what I wrote about in the chapter, even my own life experiences are reflected in this chapter. I pray before I write, and I write from the heart!


Have you authored any other books? If so, please list them. 


I have written as a solo author, featured author, co-author, contributing author, and a foreword author. My books include: The  Heart of School Transformation; My Journey into Transforming Urban Schools, Coaching Champions- How to understand the players before giving the plays; A Guide to Improvement and Success, two Women of Virtue books: Walking in Excellence books, two Leadership Tidbits books, The Grylfriend Code Sorority Edition, Vision and Purpose; Inspiring Our Community, Women Who Lead; Extraordinary Women With Extraordinary Achievements – Featuring School Principals, and Iron Sharpens Iron: Inspired to Achieve, Think, and Grow, Empowered To Win, and Unshakable Faith. In addition, I write an educational column for Vision and Purpose Lifestyle Magazine!


Follow and connect with Dr. Essie Mckoy below. 


Website: www.dressiespeaks.com

Podcast: https://bit.ly/DrEssieSpeaksPodcast

Twitter: Dr. Essie McKoy 

Instagram: Dr. Essie McKoy 

Facebook: Dr. Essie McKoy or Author DrEssie McKoy 

LinkedIn: Dr. Essie McKoy



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